- Curriculum
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- The Arts
- Health and Physical Education
- ECC CrossFit
- Technologies
- Japanese
- Vocational Education and Training (VET)
- Specialised Autism Learning Program
- Lower School Assessment Policy
- Senior School Assessment Policy
- Positive Behaviour Support
Bunbury Regional Trade Training Centre
The Bunbury Regional Trade Training Centre (BRTTC) was an initiative of the Federal Government Trade Training Centres in Schools program which established three Trade Training Centres in the Bunbury area. Eaton Community College is a member of the 15 school consortium who developed these centres to benefit students at our school. These centres are industry standard facilities which operate from Eaton Community College, Bunbury Catholic College and Manea Secondary College.
It is important to note that students can still access the BRTTC whilst attending Eaton Community College regardless of the site that their course is delivered at. Students who are selected to join this program will attend the Trade Training Centre one or two days per week (depending on course) and attend Eaton Community College for the remaining days to complete their other courses. Please note that some of these courses have compulsory work placement hours.
Students must complete an application for these programs when selecting their courses for Year 11 and Year 12. Courses at BRTTC range from one to two years duration. Those courses that are one year can be studied in either Year 11 or Year 12.
Application forms for these courses are available from our school administration, course counsellors and the VET Manager. Please note that all BRTTC courses will attract fees. The BRTTC fee of $352 applies to each enrolment. Individual course fees vary. Please see the 2018 BRTTC Prospectus for these fees.